eDigiStars - CAMPUS TOOL


The second tool, developed for the needs of eDigiStars goals, is called CAMPUS.

It represents a tailor-made approach for educating elderly in digital competence.

How does it work?

As a first step, the CAMPUS Tool aims to summarize the findings of a desk research conducted by our partners.

The aim of the research was twofold. Frist, the partnership aimed to explore the status of adult education in our territories to better understand what courses, training programs and other educational initiatives are existing. Second, partners overviewed the labor market of their territories to better understand what skills are needed in the market. The territorial research was guided by ACTA and the data collection was done by territorial partners in the period of 2021.01-03. The research was carried out in the following countries or territories: Upper Austria in Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Central Transdanubia in Hungary, North-West Region in Romania, and in Ivano-Frankvisk Region in Ukraine.

The results of the research helped the consortium to define the skills that should be developed and courses that should be adapted to seniors (50+) needs.

Secondly, the content of the courses targeting digital skills in elderly are constructed. Based on the researches training modules are selected, whose aim is to prepare participants for variety of job positions where digital skills are needed. For example, some modules cover topics on Microsoft Office, Programming, Social Media, Digital Marketing, IT Security etc. All of the mentioned areas are essential for a digital literacy and prepare for different types of digital jobs. Modules can be chosen and combined based on the territorial needs.

Within the CAMPUS Tool basic financial and legal skills, as well as practical tips, will be presented to the participants. Through this they will gain necessary knowledge in the field of EU and national regulations and legislation. Elderly will also receive advice on how to make business decisions, find information and the importance to do so - to make them good at what they do, because nothing can compensate the losses from lack of knowledge.

The courses will be adapted to the needs of elderly people in order to be as efficient as possible.

We stronly believe that you’ll find eDigiStars tools useful and one of the crucial part for changing elderly people chances for a new career in the digital work.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)