
On the 8th and 9th of June took place the 5th Project and Steering Committee Meeting on behalf of the InnoSchool project. The meeting was supposed to take place in Oradea, Romania but, due to the COVID 19 pandemic, the partners decided to host the meeting online using the Zoom platform.

The aim of the meeting was to discuss relevant topics according to the phase of the project: the improvement of InnoSchool Learning System (ILS) and the preparation for the prolongation of the project and the next steps.

On the first day, Lucie Noswitz, the project manager and DEXIC representative, opened the meeting with a warm welcome and an overview of the agenda. Arnold Gutmayer, representative of Vienna Board of Education, continued the discussions with the presentation with the improvement of ILS. Our colleague from the Technical University of Kosice, Frantisek Janke, presented the final points regarding the Serious Game that needed to be decided by all the partners and Simona Trip from ACTA Centre presented the social aspects of the Serios Game that will be further implemented.

The day continued with the presentation of Frantisek Janke regarding the next steps in the project, more exactly the new work packages that the project is going to tackle: Broadening the usage scope of the ILS and Improving the support quality and uptake of ILS.

In the second day Csaba Bende form CTRIA continued with a presentation of the next steps in the policy sustainability of the project and also touched on the new work packages of the project: Additional trainings, support for schools and teachers implementing ILS.

The meeting continued with an overview of the communication activities of the project by Cristina Mang from CJRAE Bihor. Topics like launching the upcoming newsletters, organization of the 2nd InnoSchool Days seminar, Social Media campaign during the Pilot and the organization of the Transnational InnoSchool Conference where discussed. The Steering Committees activity on financial and management issues was the final topic of the meeting followed with a warm thank you by the project manager to all the partners for their work so far in the project.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)