Danube S3 Cluster - PROJECT ACHIEVEMENTS - Joint S3 Cluster Strategy based on transregional analysis of regional context and cluster innovation potential in the Danube region


The Danube S3 Cluster project aims to foster transnational cluster cooperation in the agro-Food sector and leverage the innovation-driven entrepreneurial ecosystem in the Danube area by developing smart and coordinated cluster policies in the context of Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialization (RIS3). To this end, as a first step, a transnational analysis of the regional context and cluster innovation potential in the Danube region was conducted. It was based on over 200 innovation audits conducted by the project partners with cluster members and cluster managers in their respective region and 11 regional reports with information regarding the innovation landscape, the agro-food sector and the situation of clusters in the different partner regions. Project partners discussed the conclusions from the analysis and agreed on this basis on a vision, mission and strategic objectives for a joint strategy.

As a second step, four Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (EDP) focus groups were organized in Romania, Ukraine, Moldova and Bosnia Herzegovina, which helped partners to identify needs, shares knowledge and launch project ideas.

In a third and final step a transnational coordinated cluster strategy was developed to support the development of a sustainable, resource efficient agro-food sector in the Danube region and strengthen the role and market efficiency of clusters. The strategy already provides recommendations for actions, structured along five intervention areas (Improve framework conditions for cluster policy; Increase cluster mapping and visibility; Monitoring, accreditation and benchmarking; Cluster management and excellence support programmes; Increase transsectoral cooperation and internationalization). These recommendations formed the basis for policy recommendations delivered later in the project. Furthermore, 5 Local Action Plans in three cross-cutting themes (healthy food, business models for circular economy and open innovation) for Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Romania, Serbia and Slovakia were developed to translate the strategy into action. These were then tested in five pilot initiatives in the respective countries over the course of the project.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)