Transdanube Travel Stories - 3rd Partner Meeting


Ten partners from seven countries are jointly engaged in the EU project "Transdanube Travel Stories" to strengthen sustainable tourism in the Danube region by implementing new promotion strategies in combination with sustainable mobility management systems. 


The 3rd Partner meeting of the project was held online on 17th of June 2021.The meeting served as a platform to present the outcomes of the first year´s work in the project: In order to create a sustainable travel experience for tourists visiting the vast cultural and natural heritage sites in the Danube region, a series of workshops and expert group consultations has been organised in physical, hybrid and online format. Even though the process was challenging due to COVID19 restrictions, after an intensive and co-creative process involving a wide variety of experts from all over the Danube region, six innovative trails and their narratives were presented at the partner meeting.


The new trails build on existing European Cultural Routes - their destinations and experiences: the Route of Emperors and Kings, the Roman Emperors and Danube Wine Route, Réseau Art Nouveau, the Iter Vitis Route, the Route of Jewish Heritage, Via Sancti Martini as well as on networks of DANUBEPARKS and TransdanubePearls.


The six trails and stories are:

Trail # 1 – Danube Europe: The discovery of a “liquid space”

Trail # 2 – Returning to the Last Danube - Nature and mankind

Trail # 3 - The Danube Adventure - Legions Head for the Danubius – The river that attracted cultures and where culture is alive without borders

Trail # 4 – The Outcome of Culture along the Danube - Art, Culture and Architecture - Experiencing formative Eras and their Creators - Wealth, Splendor, Landmarks

Trail # 5 – Danube Trade: The exchange of stories and goods

Trail # 6 - Danube for the soul - Religion


Building upon the defined trails and stories, the partnership discussed the next steps towards an integrated sustainable tourism concept:

Sustainable Tourism Mobility Management Plans will be elaborated for each of the trails revealing how to travel along the trail and within its destinations by sustainable means of transport.
Each project partner has already started and will continue organising Product Clubs in one or more destinations of each trail. Product Clubs involve local and regional stakeholders and service providers. With their help, the stories will come to life by developing experiences for all trails along the Danube.
Joint trainings – planned for mobility managers and tour guides in the Danube region – shall help to strengthen and update theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to manage tourism in a sustainable way as well as contribute to creating a network of professionals working on these products.

The project, funded by the European Interreg Danube Transnational Programme, is planned to run until 31 December 2022, and has a total budget of 1.82 million Euros.


Further Information:


Communication manager:

Viktória ILLÉS
Westpannon Nonprofit Ltd.



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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)