DANOVA - Online trainings on DANOVA assessment methodology completed in April [WP T1]


The methodology for assessing the accessibility of transport infrastructures (airports, seaports, train, and bus stations) for visually impaired people, developed within DANOVA, is put into practice. Two training sessions on the methodology were conducted virtually in April.
The training included basic information about the diversity of visual impairments and the principles of universal design. The main part was dedicated to the application of the methodology, the use of the assessment grid, and the writing of the follow-up report. The application of the methodology was demonstrated on the example of the railway station in Maribor (SI).
The training was attended by partners and individuals who will take an active role as members of the audit teams carrying out the assessment. These audit teams will assess the accessibility of transport facilities where DANOVA testing is planned.
Stay tuned for more interesting information on the project activities!


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)