DANOVA - First stakeholder meeting in Dubrovnik [WPT2]


Stakeholders are the persons, groups, or organizations whose lives or activities will be influenced by the project or who may have an impact on the decisions taken in the course of the project, the resulting activities, and the results of the planned developments. To DANOVA, important stakeholder groups include representatives of local, regional, and national authorities, infrastructure and (public) service providers, higher education and research institutions, enterprises and small or medium enterprises, touristic operators, and different non-profit and non-government organizations supporting people with disabilities.

Therefore, engagement of stakeholder communities is one of the specific project goals. After identifying relevant stakeholders, Dubrovnik Airport, Dubrovnik Port Authority and Croatian Blind Union organized the first stakeholder meeting in the form of the round table discussion on the 1st of July 2021 in Dubrovnik.

Representatives of local authority pointed out the City of Dubrovnik’s long-term effort to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities. Other participants of the round table from the Dubrovnik area, especially representatives of the local association of the blind and partially sighted praised their cooperation with the City of Dubrovnik and expressed their hope for its continuation.
Some activities include raising awareness of the needs of people with disabilities, supporting programs and projects of associations that care for people with disabilities to solving specific traffic, infrastructural and other problems and obstacles that people with disabilities face every day.

Croatian DANOVA project team explained the future plans for the project activities and announced new meetings in the following months.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)