
University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER) on behalf of the DanuP-2-Gas transnational project invites you to the:


STAKEHOLDER EVENT of the DanuP-2-Gas project

Date: 28 September 2021, 9.30 CET

Venue: University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing,

Gray hall, Unska 3, 10000 Zagreb / Online


Register for on-site / online participation by 23 September / 27 September 12.00


Despite having immense potential for utilization of renewable energy, the Danube region remains critically dependant on energy Despite having immense potential for utilization of renewable energy, the Danube region remains critically dependant on energy imports. Based on the current trends related to investment in sustainable energy as well as energy efficiency, the progress of the transition will not be sufficient to meet ambitious climate targets set forth by the international community. Moreover, there are significant technical and economic challenges related to maintaining a resilient supply of energy at a growing share of intermittent generation sources, that go even beyond the potential increase of energy poverty especially in economically less developed areas of the region. In this context, effective sector coupling, and circular carbon management offer a feasible approach through which these challenges can be effectively addressed throughout the energy supply chain. Making use of existing opportunities related to low-carbon technologies and utilization of existing infrastructure for storage, the Danube region is able to simultaneously progress its development of critical areas, ranging from energy supply, environment protection to research and development, knowledge transfer and skill development as well as other important socio-economic factors signifying an increased quality of life. Nevertheless, doing so will require a coordinated multi-disciplinary action of relevant stakeholders approaching the challenges on a transnational level.

DanuP-2-Gas (Innovative model to drive energy security and diversity in the Danube Region via a combination of bioenergy with surplus renewable energy) is meant to advance transnational energy planning by promoting generation and storage strategies for renewables in the Danube Region by coupling the electric power, biomass and gas sectors. It brings together key stakeholders from 12 countries from the region and is co-financed under the Interreg Danube Transnational Programme. Visit dtp.interreg-danube.eu/danup-2-gas for more information.

The event will showcase the project and provide insight into the status of biomass, renewables and gas sectors in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia. The situation in Croatia will be analysed in more detail while an overview will be given for the other two countries. Speakers at the event will be project partners as well as external project stakeholders and representatives of key target groups. The event is available for public access and is promoted within the relevant DanuP-2-Gas stakeholder networks, whereby all interested parties are welcome to participate.

The meeting will be conducted in the form of a hybrid event - possible for both, online participation and on-site participation in Zagreb, Croatia, at University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing. On-site participation is subject to registration on first come - first serve principle up to the fulfilment of the space available in the hall. Online participation is subject just to prior registration.

Participation in the event is free of charge. The lunch for on-site participants is included. Please note that the organizer cannot bear any other costs connected to on-site participation. In case of travel restrictions, the event might be switched to online-only by the short notice. The organizer does not take responsibility for any cancellation costs.

The organizers will adhere to the public health guidelines of Croatia throughout hosting the event. Before entering the Gray hall, all on-site participants must have relevant documentation for the negative test, been recovered or vaccinated against COVID-19.

Using the link above please indicate whether you’ll join the event on-site or online. The registration for on-site participation closes on 23 September 2021 while the registration for on-line participation will be possible until 27 September 2021 at 12:00 CET.


Official invitation and agenda

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)