KnowING IPR - TechTransfer online Summer Schools


Would you like to know more about patenting? Join us at the

TechTransfer online Summer School!


You can learn more about the following topics:

  • General introduction to patenting
  • Software as IP asset
  • Software patenting
  • Computer programmes and business models

The training is divided into two Summer Schools, with the first Summer School starting on 11th of October, with individual (Zoom) meeting. The rest of the week will be given to you for individual study of materials we provided in the Moodle Virtual classroom. The credentials will be emailed to you in time before the opening event.

The second Summer School will start on the 18th of October and Moodle access will be prolonged with additional training materials provided for additional week.

The topics will include content in various formats in three different levels (basic intermediate and advanced), followed by a short quiz. Each participant that passes all quizzes, receives a certificate of attendance.

There is no FEE.

Register HERE


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)