
Between 7th to 13th of July 2021, representatives of New Bulgarian University, a partner in the DANUrB+ project, visited the town of Silistra. A series of meetings with stakeholders and representatives of local institutions and businesses were held at the premises of the Municipality. The Municipality of Silistra, being an associated strategic partner in the project, hosted the event and participants were welcomed by the Deputy Mayor for Spatial Planning, the Chief architect of the Municipality and other representatives, who jointly with the representatives of the university discussed the spatial planning issues in the region. Representatives of other institutions, such as local NGOs, the Srebarna Natural History Museum, took actively part in the discussion panels.

During the sessions, the participants discussed the opportunities for development of projects that are in line with the objectives of DANUrB+, and are of interest to the municipality and the local communities, and that are directly related to the exhibition of underrated cultural and historical heritage, for instance the Roman town villa from the II century, Roman tomb from the IV century, Srebarna Biosphere Park, as well as monuments of modern architecture from the period between the two world wars.


Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA).

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)