Danube´s Archaeological eLandscapes - The Technical University of Košice continues successful cooperation with the East Slovak Museum in Košice


The Technical University of Košice continues its successful cooperation with the East Slovak Museum in Košice by modernizing the ways of presenting history.

The development of modern technologies of virtual and augmented reality, among other things, also brings us extensive opportunities for a spectator-attractive presentation of history. The Košice region, thanks to a new exhibition prepared by the Technical university of Košice in cooperation with the East Slovak museum, will soon be one of the modern European metropolises presenting archaeological monuments and stories connected with them.

The archaeological heritage of our Danube region is considered an important and culturally exceptional heritage, mapping historical developments by documenting the development of our society and thus representing a set of important information about the our past, as well as other culturally, linguistically or ethnically related nations.

An important strategic issue in recent years is its transmission to future generations, which encounters the problem of lack of visibility, not in terms of placing archaeological sites in inaccessible areas or collections, but their presentation in an attractive way for different groups of visitors, whether professional or lay public.

The team operating at the Technical University in Košice, together with partners from 9 countries of the Danube region, within the project Virtual archaeological landscapes of the Danube Region focuses on solving this issue with new technologies that allows visualizing of archaeological knowledge in completely new, spectator-attractive ways.

The very good results within the project activities so far were created thanks to the active support and cooperation with the Košice Self-governing region. As a founder of our museums will the Košice Self-governing region together with the team of the Technical University in Košice work on finding a way to increase the attractiveness of museums. The support of the Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic and the knowledge and experience of the members of the team of the East Slovak Museum in Košice were also a great contribution to the achieved results. It is this museum that becomes the focus of the next phase of the project, as the long-term good results and activity of the participating partners have led to an exceptional approval of the possibility of additional activities for our region. These activities will help us to include our metropolis among modern cities, offering a presentation of history in an innovative way of virtual and augmented reality, which allows to create a very authentic and attractive perception of history for visitors of all ages. Virtual models of archaeological sites, which will be created not only within other European but also our region thanks to the financial support of the Interreg Danube Region programme, will allow to show visitors the life of our ancestors, as well as an insight into the past of Danube partner regions. We believe that this will lead to an increase in their active attendance, not only by local but also by foreign visitors.

The application of this modern approach within the East Slovak Museum will become an excellent model for the transformation of historical knowledge into virtual space, as well as the use of modern elements in exhibitions and we believe that it will soon be replicated in other areas, increasing the attractiveness of our region for local and foreign visitors interested in learning about a life in the past.


For more information about the project activities visit the website or our Facebook page.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)