Transdanube Travel Stories - Mobility Management Training



The Transdanube Travel Stories project Sustainable Mobility Management Training was held in Dunasziget and Bratislava between the 27th and 30th of September 2021, where sixteen participants were trained, coming from 6 Danube countries.


Photo: Westpannon copyright 

The main objective of the training was to introduce the importance of sustainable mobility with the focus on the tourism sector. The participants learned about the basics of mobility management (illustrated with best solutions) and the main functions of regional mobility centres. They had also the chance to learn about local/regional challenges and good practices in sustainable transport in each participating country. The participants could obtain an in depth understanding of the functions and services of a mobility centre and the skills and competencies needed to become a mobility manager. After a group work session, participants also "created" the ideal persona of a mobility manager together. Besides learning theoretical knowledge, they were also a practical part were the participants could experience sustainable means of transport. Therefore, they went on a canoeing trip on the Danube and had a travel challenge to Bratislava by train or bike. Moreover, the participants had a city rally in Bratislava city, where they had to solve the challenges of using sustainable transport from tourists' perspectives.



Congratulations to the participants for completing the training!

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)