
DANUrB+ will participate online at the international sector event “Danube Business Talks” on October 13. The tourism and transport sector were heavily affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes the waterway and therefore the Danube River. Not only the passenger shipping was postponed for undefined time, but cargo shipping was suffering restrictions and failing orders.

The event organizers believe that now, when the measures against the pandemic are showing some positive results, is the best period to work together, in a joint effort, for the restart and recovery of the passenger and cargo shipping along the Danube River, together with various stakeholders, organizations, and initiatives. There should be a well-defined action plan that will help reduce the economic damage and possibly seize the best existing opportunities.

A sustainable development needs to be guaranteed following the COVID-19 crisis. The measures include accurate actions to be prioritized and structural improvements for inland navigation that will help to set the course for future.

Private and public stakeholders will discuss these topics among others during the Danube Business Talks 2021 using private virtual meetings, which will be 100% confidential and will be based on mutual “matchmaking”.


Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA).

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)