WOMEN IN BUSINESS - transnational report on policy response to covid-19


The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the lives of individuals and societies, including on the economy and labour markets, is unprecedented in modern history. The speed and severity with which economic consequences have taken hold demonstrate the knock-on effect of the containment measures necessary to control the spread of the virus, in the large parts of the economy effectively in hibernation for several months.. 

The impact of the global health emergency has placed a growing number of businesses, including women owned companies under threat, putting the jobs of more and more workers at risk and impacting the livelihoods of many citizens, particularly financially vulnerable groups already struggling with debt issues. 

The Transnational Report on available policy instruments to support for fighting the negative consequences for women entrepreneurs from Covid-19 is developed within WOMEN IN BUSINESS project. It includes a short review of the provided measures in each of the nine Danube region countries and detailed information of most used ones. Some key findings are outlined.

The full text of the Report could be found in the Publications section.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)