DIONYSUS - Save the date! Container Liner Services 2021


The 2nd Workshop on Container Liner Services (Output T1.4) will be held online on 7th of December 2021. The event will be organized by the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering within WPT1 – Transport Corridors & IWT Markets. 

The Regional Workshop will validate and ensure the transferability of the DIONYSUS project’s main outcomes related to the facilitation of Container Liner Services. It will reunite PPs, ASPs, and external stakeholders and will be organized with the purpose to identify interested companies to revive and develop the Container Liner Services on the Danube River. The workshop is  targeted to all stakeholders interested in further elaborating Business Cases, which will bring together specialized concepts and policy recommendations, highlighting the necessary activities in order to initiate and support the development of container liner services. The findings of the workshop will be reflected in the Policy Recommendations on Container Liner Services.

Agenda: here

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)