DIONYSUS - SE “Ukrainian sea ports authority” continues to promote the development of Danube IWT


SE “Ukrainian sea ports authority” continued to actively promote the DIONYSUS project as a supporting organizer of the international specialized exhibition New PORT, which took place in Kyiv in October 2021.  

As part of the exhibition, a conference “New PORT UA: Port Infrastructure Development” was held with the participation of more than 100 companies from the Ukrainian maritime industry. During the conference, SE "USPA" informed the participants about the goals and implementation of the DIONYSUS project.

The exhibition presented the best possible engineering and design solutions, the newest models of handling equipment, construction technologies for storage facilities, innovative methods for the building and reconstruction of hydraulic structures, modern equipment/materials/components, as well as solutions for increasing the energy efficiency and workflow optimization.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)