DIONYSUS - 1st online workshop dedicated to the facilitation of cross-border/cross Black Sea services succesfuly organised


On 8th of December 2021, Port of Constanta Administration held online 1st DIONYSUS Workshop to facilitate cross-border/cross Black Sea services.

The event was organized within the DIONYSUS project, Work Package T1 - Transport Corridors & IWT Markets, and gathered more than 50 representatives of project partners, associated strategic partners, external stakeholders, IWT experts, researchers (universities), representatives of business support organizations and policy decision-makers.

The 1st Workshop to facilitate cross-border/cross Black Sea services aimed to identify the possibilities and opportunities to build up new transport links among the Danube corridors and the riparian Black Sea & Central Asia regions.

The main focus of the online webinar was analyzing the existing transport infrastructure together with the status-quo of the on-going and planned infrastructure projects, as basis for the elaboration of various assumptions on potential traffic and trade flows of the Danube ports in connection to the development of the transport links to the corresponding corridors, succeeding to gather important and valuable feedback for the design and operation of potential new cross-border/cross-Black Sea transport links.

The event has brought to the same table relevant information on the topic, delivered by the representatives of Romanian Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, TRACECA, Sea Lines, Odessa National Maritime University, APM Terminal in Poti and Danube Logistics SRL.

The next two editions will be organized by Odessa National Maritime University and Hungarian Federation of Danube Ports next year. Until then more activities on this topic will be carried out within DIONYSUS.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)