CD SKILLS - Moldavian Celiac disease patient registry


Within the CD SKILLS project, the unique Registry of patients with celiac disease is being developed in electronic format and structured based on a software purchased by the project. Data about patients with celiac disease is based on the questions stipulated in the Q1 questionnaire developed as one of the tasks of the State-of-the-art analysis work package of the project. 

Activity was coordinated with the Minister of Health of the Republic of Moldova and on the basis of this unique electronic Registry the procedure for elaboration of the National Program for combating celiac disease with the elaboration of the Single National Registry of celiac disease patients will be initiated. 

The National Program will be initiated based on the results of our project and based on the proposal of the CD SKILLS team from the Republic of Moldova and needs the approval of the Ministry of Health and the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova. Therefore we included this activity in our plan and we will propose it to the Ministry of Health. 

By November 2021 we purchased required software and worked on developing the necessary fields to include patient information. All activities are organized within the project and according to the legislation of the Republic of Moldova.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)