CINEMA - Happy Holidays 2021!


What a year! While the world still is struggling with the Corona pandemic, the CINEMA consortium works relentlessly on its goal to revive inner city centres with the help of the creative industries. A lot of activities in our pilot locations have already been initiated and tested and will continue to do so in 2022. We published newsletters, roadmaps, factsheets, location analysis documents, we opened our own Youtube channel, met live for the first time in Slovenia, organised various design thinking workshops, developed more than 20 tools for Creative Urban Revitalization, visited Kosice in Slovakia on a virtual study tour, presented our project progress on local, regional, national and European levels, held many online meetings, cooperated with other projects, exchanged our different (or not so different) views on urban development and are basically very grateful to work on such a great and important project. Thanks to all our readers, friends, partners and stakeholders for being with us on our way. We wish you and your families a wonderful holiday season and a happy and healthy year 2022!

#revitalisationgoesdigital #InterregCinema #creativeindustries #urbanrevitalization #danubetransnational #EUfunds #danubeconnects #interreg #ReinventRedesignReopen #unlockspacepotential #transformyourspace

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)