DANUrB+ - 50 Years of Research in the field of Tourism in Romania: Past, Present, and Future


In order to celebrate 50 years since its establishment, the National Institute of Research-Development in Tourism (INCDT), project partner in DANUrB+ (Danube Urban Brand+), organized the international symposium ”50 Years of Research in the field of Tourism in Romania: Past, Present, and Future”, an online event, given the pandemic conditions, on 16-17th of December 2021. 

The symposium was addressed to researchers, PhD students, and academics, but to some extent, also to industry professionals.
A total of 30 research papers were presented at the event. 5 of them were by foreign authors from Georgia, Malta, Serbia, Turkey, and Hungary. More than 40 single authors (those, who presented 2 papers, are counted only once) contributed to the presentations given at the occasion.

The symposium was structured in 7 sections, which followed topical themes for tourism (impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, circular economy, decarbonization, regional development, mobility, digitalization, entrepreneurship, tourism development in the transnational Danube region), connections of tourism with cultural heritage and architecture, accommodation design and urban planning; at the same time, a special place was given to the section dedicated to the historiography of tourism research and higher education in Romania.

An important contribution to this event was also made by 2 partners from the DANUrB+ initiative. First was the project Lead, Mr. Bálint Kádár, PhD from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Urban Planning and Design, Hungary, who, starting from the main goals of the DANUrB+ project, presented the research: “Tourism flows along the Danube: analyzing the hindrances in a large-scale tourism destination system”. Afterwards, Asst. Branislav Antonić, together with Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Djukić, and Asst. Jelena Marić, from the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture, Department of Urbanism, Belgrade, Serbia, disseminated the study case: “Planning Cultural Tourism in Serbia: Golubac Town in the Danube Iron Gates Region”.


Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA).

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)