SaveGREEN - Involving wider audience - Coverage of SaveGREEN press field trip in Slovak media


After the Hungarian pilot site press visit, the "cross-border sibling area", Novohrad on the Slovakian side had its own successful press field trip as well, organised within the SaveGREEN project, reaching high media coverage and drawing public attention to concerns over land fragmentation, barriers to animal migration, and the need to improve wildlife safety measures.

The field trip, which took place last year, included participants from three main media entities in Slovakia (two daily newspapers and the Slovak National TV). A follow-up press release about the event was distributed to other media outlets.

Let's check out the behind the scenes pictures from the interview and field visit:

Press Field visit in Novohrad area, Slovakia Photo: Andrea Hajduchova

At present, ten Slovak media outlets have published stories on the SaveGREEN project’s ongoing efforts to monitor migration corridors, with a special focus on the migration needs of large carnivores; the various stories also highlight the fact that other animals face problems related to land fragmentation and loss of connectivity. Slovak National TV aired a feature story on the SaveGREEN project.


Slovak National TV report about press trip in Novohrad area in Slovakia

The press field trip was covered quite successfully on social media channels as well, with the press release achieving especially good reach. Check out the full press release published on WWF Slovakia's website, and follow  #saveGREEN on social media, as well as on Slovakian partnerships' stories and projects insights here.


Andrea Settey Hajdúchová, WWF Slovakia

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)