Living Danube Limes - Winter School 2022


The University for Continuing Education Krems kindly invites you to join the 2022 International Winter School in cultural property protection held from February 07th to 11th 2022.


Laying its thematic focus on the development of cost-effective and efficient plans to protect and if necessary, evacuate museums and archeological sites during natural catastrophes this 5 day course offers its participants lectures from a broad variety of cultural heritage experts from Austria, the Czech Republic, Italy and Germany. 


Starting with two days of lectures covering topics such as:

  • The Danube Limes & the Living Danube Limes project
  • Threats to cultural heritage & risk assessment
  • UNESCO world heritage management plans
  • Climate change as threat to cultural heritage
  • etc.

An evening lecture on day 2 concludes the theoretical part after which the participants form syndicate working groups to apply the presented knowledge under supervision of Anna Kaiser (University for Continuing Education Krems) and Stefano Bergonzini (NATO Centre for Stability Policing Vicenza).

Hosted online by the Center for Cultural Property Protection of the University for Continuing Education Krems this course aims to enhance the knowledge of experts in monuments' protection, cultural property protection as well as students and heritage protection enthusiasts.


No Couse fee!

Held online!

6 ECTS to be granted for a successful course completion!


Programme of the Winter School


Registration and further information

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)