Living Danube Limes - New concepts on old paths


UAUIM students from the 5th year Design Studio have designed special structures adapted to the pilot site of Sacidava.


Such structures should protect the most sensitive areas of the archaeological site and are completely reversible. All proposals are based on prefabricated and modular elements that could be easily put together. The structures can be moved or removed, following the needs of the archaeologists and could be also used for visitors or temporary exhibitions.

The projects explore different types of standing, ballasting or anchoring on the terrain, without digging in depth. They are covered with different translucent or opaque membranes that would permit lightening for archeological works, but also shadow in summer days. Certain structures have a flexible principle, they can adapt the shape and dimensions following the necessities.

The aesthetic choice of such structures could also lead into the direction of structures inspired from Roman times such as tents or war machines, following the concept of living history.


Architecture Design Studio tutors: Prof.Dr.Arch G. Mitrache, Lect.Dr.Arch. A.-M. Machedon, Lect.Dr.Arch. D. Dordea

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)