DANUrB+ - Student Exhibition in Golubac, March 9, 2022


The Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade organised the exhibition of student work hosted by the exhibition hall of “Veljko Dugošević” National Library in Golubac Town on March 9, 2022. It was realised through cooperation between the Faculty and the Golubac Municipality, which local Tourist Organisation is an associate partner of the faculty in DANUrB+ INTERREG Danube Project (2020-2022). The exhibition included the works from three different urban project studios, where Golubac was a research and design location. The main contribution was from the project studio “Synthesis” from 3rd year of studies – mentor: Asst.Prof. Ivica Nikolić. The other two project studios were from 4th and 5th years of studies, supervised by Prof. Aleksandra Djukić. In total, 26 student posters were prepared and exhibited. The main topic of the student work was the Danube Riverfront in Golubac, as well as heritage sites in the town.

The opening ceremony was attended by local representatives, citizens, students-authors and the new generation of students, who had fieldwork in Golubac during this day. Introductory speeches were given by Marija Živanović Ilić, the director of the library, Prof. Aleksandra Djukić (about DANUrB+ project), Asst.Prof. Ivica Nikolić (about student work), and Zoran Ćirković, the president of municipal assembly, who officially opened the exhibition. Students from the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade also visited the new permanent exhibition of the library, about the past of Golubac (old photos, postcards, books, etc.), guided by Bojan Radovanović, the main collector and “treasurer” of Golubac past.

Aside of the exhibition, as a key manifestation during this day, team from the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade had several talks with Golubac representatives about other joint activities within DANUrB+ project. They included preparations for student building camp in Golubac in June 2022, the involvement of local stakeholders in the project activities, the technical support of the faculty for municipal application to new projects and a possibility for new student exhibitions.


Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA).

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)