
The DANUrB+ Regional Conference “Creative Danube. Challenges and Opportunities of Living in Shrinking and Peripheral Cities” was held in a hybrid format for 2 days on 10th March in Bucharest, Romania and on 11th March in Ruse, Bulgaria. It crossed the paths of project partners, associated partners, as well as stakeholders, students, and professionals that are concerned and interested in the possibilities for development on both, Romanian and Bulgarian settlements, along the Danube.

The event kicked off at the Council room of "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism (UAUIM), the Faculty of Urbanism, where the Rector of the University, Mr. Marian Moiceanu, PhD Arch., greeted all the participants. The following presentations were centered around the two main Thematic Sections for the day - "Smart Networks" and "Potential of Shrinking". The chairpersons for these sections, Mihaela Negulescu, PhD Arch. Assoc. Prof. (UAUIM), and Georgi Georgiev, CIHCM, ACE PhD Arch Prof. (New Bulgarian University), had the chance to introduce a lot of motivating and expert reports, which included: Regional connectivity and smart, green mobility – engines for the revitalization; Smart tourism solutions of shrinking cities along the Danube; Good practices examples in Romania and Bulgaria; Analysis of the impact of climate change on the shrinking cities in Romania; Opportunities of urban renovation in shrinking and peripheral cities, etc.

In the late afternoon, the Round Table was opened by the Project Leader, Mr. Balint Kadar, PhD Arch., who shared the DANUrB+ vision and the main project goals and activities. Afterwards, the participants brainstormed on various project ideas in 5 different categories: rehabilitation, green projects, public space, public constructions, water arrangements and festivals. And to wrap up the rich agenda, а thematic movie "Planeta Petrila" displayed the struggle of the local community to preserve Petrila’s coalmine as a cultural heritage, and an exhibition of students’ project was paid a visit.

The second day of the Conference was hosted in the Plenary Hall of the Municipality of Ruse, co-moderated by National Tourism Cluster "Bulgarian Guide". “The Danube is a big source of life for the countries situated along the river. The DANUrB+ project’s efforts to achieve a link between the little, the unknown places, is unique. To link them in tourism and opportunities.”, stated the Vice Mayor of Ruse, Ms. Zlatomira Stefanova, welcoming the participants and sharing some examples of good practices. The Mayor of the town of Belene, Mr. Milen Dulev, also greeted the participants and presented some opportunities for Belene. Mr. Balint Kadar not only gave insights about the development of the project but also shared some good practices and students’ initiatives. Mr. Ivailo Kadishev, Director of Directorate „International policies, business activities and analysis“ and his colleagues presented some good infrastructure examples in the region of Ruse. Subsequently, it was the beginning of the inspiring presentations, which summarized the Thematic Sections of the day - “Heritage as a Tool” and “People Make Places”. The chairpersons for these sections, Mihaela Hărmănescu, PhD Arch. Assoc. Prof. and Angelica Stan, PhD Arch. Assoc. Prof. (both representing UAUIM) were privileged to reveal the encouraging and professional narratives on the subject of: Industrial, cultural-historical, natural heritage, and tourism routes in Danubian Cities; The imaginary museum; Main guidelines of the planning vision for Giurgiu and Călărași; The periphery as a new center; Innovative teaching for inclusive development, and many more.

All participants expressed their gratitude to all DANUrB+ partners for the two-day experience and expressed their anticipation of future possibilities for cooperation and mutual activities, regarding the development of the Danube Region.


Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA).

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)