Fem4Forest - conference 2022 "Forest in Women's Hands - Roots and Growth for the Future" on 26-28 May 2022 at the WALDCAMPUS Austria!


Forstfrauen and the project Fem4Forest invite you to the conference 2022 "Forest in Women's Hands - Roots and Growth for the Future" on 26-28 May 2022 at the WALDCAMPUS Austria!

Milestones for women in forestry were set in 2021. On the last year's conference, in April 2021, great results were achieved - 460 participants from North and Central America, Europe, Asia and Africa met online, networked and worked on plans for the future of women in forestry.

At the same time, the project Fem4Forest - Forests in Women's Hands systematically examined the situation of women in forestry in ten countries in Central, South-Eastern and Eastern Europe and, above all, what women need to be successful in forestry.

Now the International Conference 2021 is being continued! At the Conference on Women in Forestry 2022, we are building on the results of the first Conference and the Fem4Forest project under the title "Forests in Women's Hands - Roots and Growth for the Future". We present previous project results from Fem4Forests, get new inputs, think outside the box and ... make new plans! And of course the idea of networking is not neglected - this time face to face.

Register at: https://www.forstfrauen.at/en/component/rsform/form/11:registration-copy?Itemid=403 

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)