RESTART_4Danube - Maribor, Slovenia: LAP - Transit-oriented development


The Maribor tandem is working hard on the successful implementation of the LAP. While the third action which focuses on recommendations for the local strategy Smart City of Maribor will only start in July, the implementation of the first two pilot actions is already in full swing.

The core of the first pilot action is to create a common platform for actors of cultural and creative industries which will promote their work in a new and still underexplored manner. The application which is currently being developed will enable passengers on public transportation to access relevant information about cultural and creative events, actors, and other related contents during their commute. To ensure that the voices of the creative community are heard, the University of Maribor and the Municipality of Maribor are simultaneously running a series of co-creation events focusing on the contents, development and promotion of the app.


The first two events were organized in the form of workshops and took place on the 20th of April and 20th of May. Representatives from local museums, cultural associations, support organizations were among those who participated along with the main public transportation provider Marprom, a key stakeholder considering the specific LAP topic. During the first workshop in April participants engaged in a lively discussion, elaborated their points of view, and gave plenty of food for thought to the RESTART_4Danube partners developing the collaborative platform. During the second session in May participants received an update on the development of the application and were invited to participate in the third co-creation event which will be taking place on the 10th of June. Contrary to the first two workshops, this last event will be organized in the form of a small street fair in the Main Square in Maribor and will aim to promote the results of the first pilot action, the newly created mobile platform, and the work of the RESTART_4Danube project among the general public.



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)