ISTER - The second local capacity building workshop ISTER organised in Romania


➡️How does the #ISTER project contribute to the development and promotion of cultural tourism in the Danube Region?

➡️What are the most appropriate solutions for the Roman heritage's protection, enhancement, management, and sustainable valorisation?

➡️What are the advantages of new technologies in archaeological research?

➡️How can the Roman roads in the Danube Region be exploited for tourism?

☑️ Concrete answers to the above questions were provided during the second thematic workshop.

There was a lot of discussion about problems and solutions, what ISTER means at the level of cultural tourism and how the local authorities can support us in implementing one of the most critical steps of the project, the location of the milestones that will mark the presence of Roman roads.

Participants: historians, architects, museographers, experts in heritage valorisation, representatives of universities, and representatives of the local, county (AB, CJ, HD, CS, MH, SJ) and regional administrations. 

➡️Organisers: MNIT, Alba Iulia Municipality and URBASOFIA Urban and Regional Planning Company

Event date and format: Tuesday, 22nd of March 2022/Online.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)