DANUrB+ - Videocast with Stakeholder and Journalist Mrs. Sonya Machorska in Vidin


"In the Antiquity, the Danube used to be a Border, in the Middle Ages - a Road, and in Modern Times - it is a Bridge between nations". A famous quote from the Vidin stakeholder and journalist Mrs. Sonya Machorska.

Her exciting interview is part of our Videocast with stakeholders that the project partners are going to take along the Danube Region. She tells us about a lot of interesting facts of the thousands of years of history, the positive and negative impact of the Danube River, and the many preserved historical and cultural monuments, along with the most well-preserved Bulgarian Fortress - the "Baba Vida" Fortress.

If you are curious to find out: what was the first name of Vidin; who are the different emperors and rulers that have disembarked on the shore; how are the first drawings of the world-famous artist Joules Pasquin connected to his birthplace; how the first two lines of the anthem of Bulgaria were inspired by the city; what was the building process of the 2nd Danube Bridge between Bulgaria and Romania; what are the interesting tales behind the 17-20 centuries of history of the Vidin Port; where does the name of the neighboring town of Calafat come from; how the DANUrB+ project is contributing to the development of the region, and many more, enjoy watching the video:


All interested people are welcome to visit Vidin on July 2 and 3, during the “Danube Treasures” Festival (part of the "Danube Day" Festivals organized across the partners' countries)! Everyone will have the chance to experience free sightseeing tour of the little-known historical and architectural sites in the city, open doors of museums and galleries, local dishes and wine tasting, presentation of traditional crafts, among more extreme activities as boating, ballooning, bungee jumping, and many more. 


Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA).

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)