Transdanube Travel Stories - Nature s Havens on the Danube


 About eight years after the publication of the first edition of "Nature's Havens on the Danube" (2014), the second edition of this amazing DANUBEPARKS book is out! During these years many positive things happened to the DANUBEPARKS Network: new members, new initiatives, and new projects.

During the project, new narratives (stories) are developed together with 6 new tourist trails. One of these new trails and stories is „Returning to the Last Danube“. The story starts with a rephrased Biblical reference: “In the beginning was the Danube” echoing the account of the Creation and the fact that the river and nature are Creators - that they defined the landscape. But mankind has changed it, “cultivated” it, and, in the end, abused it. The story and trail presented also in this new book edition, are focused
on the last (Lower) section of the Danube river: protected areas from the triangle formed by the countries of Hungary, Croatia and Serbia to the Danube Delta. However, all protected areas which are part of the DANUBEPARKS Network are presented here to testify to the beauty of these hubs of biodiversity in the Middle and Upper section of the Danube.

We hope that this book will be another reminder of the greatness of the Danube river and that readers, inspired by the content, will decide to visit protected areas - this time in a slower, more sustainable way with a deeper understanding of the relationship between nature and mankind.
Let the mighty Danube inspires you!


You can download the book here:

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)