lifelineMDD - volunteering action involving kids along Mura and Drava rivers


Because of the strictly guarded state border between Hungary and Yugoslavia in the second half of the 20th century, these rivers are not part of most of local people’s life even now. When organizing voluntary actions within the lifelineMDD project, project partner WWF Hungary intended to break down this wall and bring people closer to the rivers and their floodplains.

The voluntary actions targeted kids in classes 4–6 of elementary schools. In each location, 2-day long summer camps were organised for 9–19 kids and accompanying teachers. The events were implemented by the experts of Hungarian Biological Society.

After ice-breaking activities, the kids got acquainted the aquatic and terrestrial insect fauna, the wildlife and conservation of the area, and made ready prepared nesting boxes for titmouse sized-birds. The rapid water-level changes caused by the upstream HPPs were also well experienced.

Through the children, their parents also met the 5-country Biosphere Reserve Mura-Drava-Danube and WWF Hungary, its aspirations and professional background.

Altogether four actions were organized in Muraszemenye, Őrtilos, Lankóc Forest and Vízvár from 16th to 23rd June, and more than 50 kids, their parents and teachers were reached by these actions, improving their commitment to the Mura-Drava-Danube Biosphere Reserve.

Prepared by WWF HU, pictures by WWF HU


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)