Transdanube Travel Stories - Our Danube Travel Challengers - First Day








We are delighted to announce: that TuristulLiber embark on the journey of a lifetime to discover the roman route along the Danube river. (17-24 July)

Follow their channels for first-hand impressions of off-the-beaten-path gems, and check out how sustainable travelling along the Danube can be.




A short summary of the first day of your trip! 

This is our very first Austria tour ever as Unbound Travelers!
We've been thrilled by the opportunity offered by the Donauregion in Oberösterreich, Transdanube Travel Stories and Interreg to discover the historical and natural beauty of this part of our beloved Europe.
The Danube region is a melting pot of cultures and civilisations.
We instantly understood that when we put our first steps in #schärding.
Schärding, a small but extraordinary city close to the Bavarian border, is proof that this region attracted the wealthiest traders over the centuries.
The picturesque landscape, the stunning view over the Inn river, the colourful baroque buildings and the delicious Austrian cuisine made #schärding one of the most beautiful European cities we have ever visited!
Our adventure continues today with a bicycle tour along the Inn and the Danube.

Follow us on stories and get a glimpse of what this region has to offer!!




Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)