Transdanube Travel Stories - The mid- term conference in Ulm, 4-6th of July, 2022


The mid-term conference of Transdanube Travel Stories took place in Ulm, Germany, on the 4-6th of July 2022.

Danube Office Ulm organised the fifth partner meeting of the Transdanube Travel Stories project. The event took place during the International Danube Festival, which is held every second year on the banks of the Danube, in the twin cities of Ulm and Neu-Ulm - see @Internationales.Donaufest. The hosting partner organised exciting side programmes for the participants (e.g. a boat trip across the Danube in Ulm and immersion in the cultural heritage of this city with a rich past. We could enjoy the food, drinks and music of many Danube countries.)


copyright: Kirstin Melchinger

The TDTS project partners, while enjoying a festival atmosphere, met to present the project achievements, discussed activities and deliverables and agreed on the plans for the remaining activities in the project.

The lead partner (Environment Agency Austria) gave an overview of the project status, followed by a presentation by the Austrian Ministry for Climate Action on the ongoing activities of the PEP Partnership initiative and possible synergies with the project. Then, in a joint workshop, all participants collected ideas for the Danube Narratives strategy and reviewed the situation and the necessary steps for the organisation of Green Travel Products and the Danube Summer Travel Challenge in each partner region.

Project partner DANUBEPARKS presented its completed Danube cookbook, which presents typical Danube dishes from 10 countries, giving a gastronomic cross-section of the region.

The partners agreed on their plans for the final conference and possible next steps to be taken after the end of the project to ensure the successful continuation of the Travel Stories initiative.

The next partner meeting will take place in Oradea at the end of September.



copyright: Kirstin Melchinger

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)