
In the framework of the DANUrB+ project, the "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism from Bucharest (UAUIM), in partnership with 3 Smoked Olives Festival and the Atelierul de pe Insula, organizes the DESIGN & BUILD camp called "SPIRITUL INSULEI" (THE SPIRIT OF THE ISLAND) between 21-27 July 2022 - Installations and small furniture for the festival which takes place annually on an island with a sandy beach in the Danube, near the city of Călărași.

The activity is part of the series of events of this type organized by DANUrB+ partners and local actors within the project and aims at the creative and sustainable valorization of an exceptional place, part of the natural heritage of the Danube, but also part of the immaterial values ​​of urban life.

The 3 Smoked Olives Festival relies on the power of music to bring people together in a community, but also on the natural qualities of the place. During the camp and the event itself, the island becomes a non-formal creative platform, for "live" learning of the skills to work in the spirit of nature and with what it offers us. The place and the music are the basis of a unique experience in which the design and effective realization of small installations and pieces of furniture for the festival are combined with social responsibility and towards the natural environment. In fact, the DANUrB+ camp talks about the subtle and very current relationship between nature, culture, community and technologies, about respecting the concepts of "sustainability" and "recycle-upcycle", about the exploration and creative valorization of unused resources.

Since 2019, the 3SO Festival has been included as a good practice in the INTERREG – Danube European research project network, in the DANUrB and DANUrB+ projects - in which UAUIM is an institutional partner.


Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA).

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)