
Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar (EIHP) participated in the “3rd Forum on Electric, Gas, Hydrogen and Fuel cell Vehicles and Solutions for a Sustainable Development in Transport”, at Aristos hotel, in Zagreb, Croatia, held on May 19th, 2022. EIHP organized a panel discussion, during the forum, where possibilities on various fuels in transport were discussed. The forum gathered a large number of stakeholders, interested in end-uses of various fuels – including hydrogen, electricity, and biomethane.

During the forum, the following programme was applied:

The DanuP-2-Gas panel was moderated by Mr. Dinko Đurđević and focused on possibilities of utilizing alternative fuels in the transport sector – such as hydrogen and biomethane, which are products of Power-to-Gas hubs, observed within the project activities.

During the panel, the participants discussed the topic of implementing alternative fuels in the transport sector, with the final goal of achieving carbon neutrality.

Emissions reduction in the transport sector is possible only with great efforts and costs, which means that there is still a long way to achieving the transport transition. Mr. Majetić, owner of DOK-ING company emphasized the need for changes in transport sector, no matter how small they currently may seem – especially in Croatia, which lags for 3-4 years after world trends. Although electric vehicles will lead the way, other solutions, such as hydrogen and biomethane, should not be put aside.

Mr. Židov, from EIHP pointed out that the future of Croatian transport is clear – it comes from clean energy and renewable energy sources. Therefore, it should be accepted, as soon as possible, that transport is a significant part of the energy transition. The transport sector is expected to be included in European Emission Trading System (EU ETS) by 2026, which will lead to a significant increase in fossil fuel prices.

At the same time, Croatia needs to reduce emissions in the transport sector by 52%, by 2030. Mr. Purgar noted that this can become beneficial within the energy sector since electric vehicles can utilize the surplus from renewable energy sources and balance the energy system.

However, Mr. Tomaš pointed out that there is still a lack of filling stations – in terms of electric vehicles, but especially regarding hydrogen utilization, since there are currently no existing hydrogen refueling stations present in Croatia. This puts a significant break to further alternative fuel development and should be removed as soon as possible.

Mr. Majetić finalized with the note that hydrogen has great potential, although there is a high price in its production, but also utilization. In order to reach the decarbonization of the transport sector, all options need to be used – including the         production of hydrogen from waste, biomethane, electrification, etc.

The panel discussion was closed with Mr Đurđević’s conclusion that a lot of work still awaits, technology needs to be developed, but hydrogen has great potential in the transport sector, while biomethane can be used as a transitional fuel until hydrogen becomes more acceptable to the general public.

Mr. Đurđević also invited all the participants to join the final national workshop, which will be organized by DanuP-2-Gas, at the end of 2022.

The forum was well-visited and contributed to an increase of stakeholders, which will participate in future events, and the final workshop, at the end of the project. 



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)