ISTER - Introducing the ISTER project during a DTP AGORA Workshop in Slavonski Brod


In the context of the DTP-Project AGORA (Advanced coGeneration Options for Reintegrating local Assets), the team of the Development Agency of Slavonski Brod, as one of the Territorial partners, conducted a workshop on 28th June 2022 in which was invited as an expert and allowed to introduce the ISTER project to an audience of around 20 participants.

The Input from ISTER was very well perceived, as the idea for the pilot area, the fortress of Slavonski Brod, is to make this local asset fully available for public use. At present, it is underused. The Motto for the project, therefore, is “the fortress is yours”. Introducing the participants to the ISTER approach and especially its ways of promoting Cultural Heritage was highly appreciated and helped generate ideas during the workshop.

In this way, bringing together the two projects was a success.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)