NewGenerationSkills - Local Innovation Advisory Groups were set up


In order to achieve our main purpose, namely to exploit the potential of local youth in catalysing (social) innovation to solve local challenges, public authorities have to design better policies and (youth support) measures. As NewGenerationSkills partners recognised the need for improved capacities the local public actors will facilitate an innovation driven local governance and create an inciting environment for innovation and youth entrepreneurship.

Accordingly within the project an approach and framework was set up and project partners will accomplish the following activities:

 Local Innovation Advisory Groups (LIAG)

These groups are created by cities to ensure involvement of all stakeholders of the quadruple helix at local level while providing a framework for transnational interactions among them.

 Capacity building in innovation management

The next step is equipping local authorities with improved innovation management skills that enables them to better design and orchestrate youth support measures and integrate new solutions in their own operations.

 Action Plans to introduce improved innovation management structures

Finally partners will create Action Plans in which they capitalize on knowledge/expertise/mindsets gained through transnational learning and pilot implementation to define the steps to introduce improved youth focus innovation management structures and services.

1.LIAG Serbia 2.  LIAG Austria


By June time has arrived to set up Local Innovation Advisory Groups.

LIAGs’ aim is to gain wide stakeholder involvement and to better align already existing tools and initiatives, creating a foundation and an underlying enabling network for Innovation Lab activities.

LIAGs will represent local business, academic sphere and youth community along with centres, agencies, associations supporting the youth, innovation or both, to work together in the Innovation Lab scheme. LIAGs will use validated co-working methods and regular informal workshops organized during the entire project.


Some of them are formed already on the part of

  1. NOWA Training Counselling Projectmanagement  and akzente - center for equality and regional cooperation (from Austria)
  2. Municipality of Savski Venac and Institute Mihajlo Pupin (from Serbia)
  3. Sofia Development Association and Sofia Municipality (from Bulgaria)
  4. Municipality of District 11 of Budapest, Újbuda (from Hungary)
  5. PRIZMA Foundation for the improvement of employment possiblities, the institution and Municipality of Maribor (from Slovenia)

3. LIAG Bulgaria

4. LIAG Hungary

5. LIAG Slovenia


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)