DIONYSUS - Taking stock of the DPN’s achievements


Launched in the framework of the DAPhNE project, the Danube Ports Network is an initiative which has emerged in response of a real need to address and reduce the development and innovation gap between the ports situated on the Rhine-Danube Corridor, aiming towards cooperation strengthening between inland and maritime ports in the Danube Region.

The DPN brings together public and private sea & inland ports and terminal operators from the Danube Region willing to engage in a long-term, active and coordinated cooperation process benefiting the port industry and regional economy at large. Moreover, DPN emphasizes the importance of sharing knowledge and networking to keep the Danube ports at the forefront of global innovation and as such to adapt them to the needs and requirements of a future-oriented European transport system. Hence, the DPN facilitates diverse forms of cooperation and partnerships between Danube ports, leading to synergies and higher efficiency.

In the framework of DIONYSUS, DPN was at the heart of coordinated project capitalisation tasks that contributed to efficient project implementation, knowledge-creation and transfer, as well as to synergies with EU transport policy initiatives and other port development related projects. Capitalisation was understood in the frame of the project way more than the mere dissemination of project results and outputs. As such, several publications were successfully elaborated and disseminated: two editions of the Danube Ports Handbook, 6 editions of a newsletter as well as 3 editions of a DPN Capitalisation Factsheet. These publications played an important role in disseminating project results and enhance project visibility in the Danube Region and well beyond. The aim of these publications was manifold: to present relevant port statistics collected via dedicated surveys (Danube Ports Handbook), to inform about the activities carried out by the Danube Ports Network or with its support (DPN capitalisation factsheets) and last but not least, to inform the wider IWT community about the milestones achieved in the implementation process of DIONYSUS (newsletters elaborated with the direct support of the DPN). These publications were successfully disseminated and made available on the website of the Danube Ports Network via the Port Knowledge Center. Equally important to highlight are the knowledge-transfer events organised with the participation of renowned experts of the IWT industry aiming to provide insights into their various activities, examples of good practices and concrete recommendations in light of the challenging adaptation process to the ambitious climate goals enshrined in the European Green Deal.

Two functionalities of the DPN website were successfully extended with two important e-tools, namely the Port Knowledge Center and the Digital Initiatives Observatory. Hosted by the DPN website, both instruments served in the frame of DIONYSUS as important knowledge creation facilitators, fulfilling vital tasks in efficiently transferring relevant knowledge to the Danube ports community.

In terms of knowledge-transfer events, the Danube Ports Day events set the scene to discuss various aspects related to port development issues such as shore side electricity, integrated logistics solutions, digitalisation and greening, providing at the same time examples of good practices from Western, Central and Eastern Europe. These events were attended by renowned experts of the IWT sector, decision makers and representatives of the industry from the Danube Region and beyond.

Likewise important to highlight is the participation of the DPN at various relevant European Initiatives such as – to name just a few – the NAIADES3 Implementation Group, the Danube Commission’s Expert Group on Ports or the CESNI Hearing on RIS Standards.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)