
The 3rd and Closing International Conference “A Journey Connecting Communities” together with the Final Partners’ Meeting on the DANUrB+ Project were held in Budapest, Hungary on 12 and 13 December. The events’ goal was to disseminate all the experiences and achievements of the initiative in their full glory. The partners looked back and presented their individual and common work that had been done, but the main emphasis was on the accomplishments and collaborations that will remain for the next generations, the future plans of the DANUrB International Association (DIA), and ideas for extension of the project along the Danube Region.

The program started on 11 December as the participants from all partners’ countries (Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Romania) headed from Budapest to one of the project’s pilot cities – Ráckeve. They had the chance to visit some of the most famous attractions and, most importantly, good practices such as – the areas of “Vadkacsa” Beach and MHSZ building (part of the developed local Action Plan), the Look-out Tower in the Old City Hall, the Ethnographic House, the orthodox temple, and so on.

Afterwards, everyone turned back to Budapest and enjoyed the famous Gellért Bath. The complex was built between 1912 and 1918 in Art Nouveau style and then rebuilt after WW2. It is decorated beautifully with mosaic tiles. The medical indications of the water include degenerative joint illnesses, spine problems, inhalation problems for the treatment of asthma and chronic bronchitis problems, and many more. The temperature of the water is between 35 °C and 40 °C. The baths are also part of the Hotel Gellért, which is currently closed for renovations.

12 December was the BIG DAY for the Closing Conference. Partners, stakeholders, journalists, associated partners, members of the Joint Secretariat, friends and all interested in the initiative gathered at the Kristály Színtér, which is located at the heart of Budapest, on Margaret Island and its green zone on the Danube. The Bauhaus-style building was reopened in 2020 and has been used as a cultural community space since. A perfect place for a project that is working for the development of a Danube Cultural Promenade.

We learnt a lot about the heritage along the Danube Region, that people care about it. Communities are different but culture doesn't divide us, it connects us. This is what is Europe to me”, stated the Project Leader, Mr. Balint Kadar, PhD Arch, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). The Project Officer from the Joint Secretariat, Mr. Stephan Halligan, expressed his believes that heritage and culture are vital for the future of the region because of the Danube Transnational Programme and thanks to projects like DANUrB+ their development is progressing enormously.

The agenda was very tight and was divided in 2 main sections:

  • DANUrB+ Highlights – the aim was to highlight and introduce a curated selection of viable, creative, and sustainable initiatives and good practices, exemplary adaptational projects from the partnering countries during the 3 years of the project. The best examples were given by the developed Action Plans in the pilot sites (Kolarovo-Small Danube, Lower Ipoly Valley, Komarno, Rackeve, Szob, Sombor, Golubac, the region of Moldova Noua, Dobrotea Tourno-Severin, and Banat area, Vidin, Belene (plus Nikopol and Gulyantsi), Silistra, Calarasi, and Giurgiu), the Danube Days Festivals along all the partners’ countries, local, regional, and cross-border collaborations (Esztergom-Komárom, Vidin-Calafat, etc.), etc.
  • DANUrB+ Perspectives – it brought together experts with different backgrounds to represent various perspectives in order to gain more extensive understanding on the cultural, built environmental ecosystems, the challenges of regional community building and sustainable tourism in the Danube Region. It was organized in two formats (roundtable discussions and inspirational talks) and included various disciplines that provided opportunities to inspire the audience to the greatest extent possible.

During the whole day there was an on-site exhibition showcasing the DANUrB+ results: DANUrB+ Platform and Web; DANUrB+ Atlas; DANUrBantiy Game New Versions; PocketGuide Tours (including the 3 new ones – in Sombor, Calarasi, and Little Danube); Spatial Plans, Student Workshops; Actions Plans from DANUrB+ Partners; Videos about the DANUrB+ Vibes, Special photo exhibition “A Journey connecting communities”.

In the blink of an eye the evening came, and it was time for the icing on the cake – the screening of the documentary movie premiere “Eyes of the Danube”. The Toldi Art Cinema has been running for more than 80 years and is one of the most iconic and eclectic cultural meeting points of Budapest. It was especially chosen to project the 12 stories that were shot along the river shores. After the screening, the cinema turned into a music club, where all the participants celebrated the successful day and the completion of the project. 

On the next day, 13 December, it was time for the last Partners’ Meeting. It was held in the spacious office and friendly atmosphere of one of the main organizers - Contemporary Architecture Centre (KÉK). It is an independent professional institution focusing on architecture, built environment, urban development, and their reaction to the communities. In addition to its own professional programs, the multifunctional space is a permanent venue for discussions, conferences, workshops on topics related to architecture, urban development, and contemporary design, open to local community initiatives as well. In partnership with the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), the venue also functions as a student workshop and exhibition space.

The project partners presented their tasks and the results they achieved. The numbers speak for themselves: 1000+ stakeholders contacted jointly with 900+ heritage items mapped, 152 events executed along the Danube (Conferences, Festivals, Workshops, School Programs, Building Camps, etc.), 300+ identified candidates for the Quality Label, more than 4 million people reached through various media channels, etc. Mrs. Desislava Mincheva-Yordanova, National Tourism Cluster “Bulgarian Guide” (NTC BG Guide), WPC Lead, highlighted the DANUrB+ international communication reach, the impact and the inclusion of the local communities at a transnational level: “DANUrB+ (Danube Urban Brand) is not only a project, it is not only an international initiative, it is a community, it is MY community”.

Everyone shared what were the lessons learned and what are the plans for the future, so the contribution to the Danube communities could enlarge and continue. Subsequently, the members of DIA gathered to discuss what are the next steps for the association and the development of the Quality Label.  

There was no better way to conclude the meeting than a Danube Boat Trip by Silverline Cruises. The river had an inspiring effect, and the participants conducted a fruitful discussion on the continuation of the DANUrB initiative, as its goals and outcomes will be completed and submitted at the beginning of 2023, so stay tuned! 

The perfect organization of the final events, as well as the realization of the whole project, would not have been possible without the dedication and enormous efforts of the lead project partner - BME, KEK, and the contributions of all DANUrB+ partners.

As one student from Moldova Noua High School wrote after his participation at the study trip organized to mark the Danube Days Celebrations: "Participating in the DANUrB+ made me understand and learn more about my local place and heritage, to appreciate it more, so I hope the project will continue!". And it will!

Our Journey Connecting Communities will continue!


Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA).

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)