DIONYSUS - Project officially presented at DISC ’22


Danube Information Services Conference ’22 (DISC ’22) took place in Bucharest on 14 – 15.12.2022. This annual event is dedicated to inform about the latest River Information Service developments and innovations in the Danube region.  DIONYSUS project was presented to the participants by the Lead Partner PDR (Mr. Silviu Meterna & Mrs. Luminita Meterna) who gave updated information about the project, its background, objectives, structure and results achieved so far.

Representatives of ERDF PP2 iConsulenten (Mr. Peter Woetzinger) & IPA PP1 PGA (Mr. Srdja Ljesevic & Mr. Vladimir Pavlovic) also attended the DISC ’22 event.

The Danube Commission and viaDonau were also represented at the Conference, among other stakeholders.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)