D-CARE - Winterly final project meeting in Ljubljana


Our last steering committee meeting on project level marks the beginning of the final month of our project. While there always remains some work to be done at the end of such a long-term project we also proudly looked back on what we have achieved in building a smart care learning platform, testing and validating smart care solutions through the innovation programme and initiating a knowledge hub on smart care policy.

In the final month all project regions will intensively engage in the dissemination of the project's outputs and work on establishing strong ties for sustainable smart care advancement or possibly even future follow-up projects. 
We are looking forward to see the project's seeds grow and smart care implementation evolve throughout all project and European countries.

Next to intensive working together we have enjoyed the hospitality of our Slovenian partners very much as well as the beautifully decorated city of Ljubljana in Christmas time.
Thank you very much, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences team for your generous hosting of the meeting!

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)