MOVECO - Impressions from partner activities


Excursion to waste incineration plan in Bratislava

During the last week of June 2017, the Slovak Business Agency project team took part in an excursion to the incineration plant for unsorted municipal waste in Bratislava.

MOVECO - Waste incineration plant Slovakia       MOVECO - Waste incineration plant Slovakia

The plant has been operating since 1978, but only since 2002, it meets the requirements for environmental and air protection, according to new Slovak and EU legislation. Each year, the Bratislava incineration plant burns around 120,000 tons of solid waste coming from Slovakia's capital and its surroundings. In addition to energy recovery, metal scrap and glass can be also separated after the burning process is finished. Slag and ash are further landfilled as hazardous waste.

MOVECO - Waste incineration plant Slovakia

Only two plants operating in Slovakia, one in Bratislava and one in Košice, have the status of waste incineration plants with high energy efficiency where generated heat energy can be further used for commercial purposes.

Participation in workshop in Romania

On June 23 and 24, the ECO-Innovation Cluster for Sustainable Environment (CLEMS) organized a two days workshop in Bistrita, Romania. The CLEMS cluster consists of stakeholders from business, universities, research institutes, public authorities and other organizations. 

Mrs. Monica Muresan, as representative of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Bistrita-Nasaud (CCIBN), presented the MOVECO project to the participants. Besides various presentations, one of the themes included in the discussion was circular economy.

MOVECO CCIBN Participation in workshop

The most important questions addressed from the audience were related to the circular economy strategy and cross-country reports, which are to be realized during the MOVECO project course and, which will be used to create value added to the local authorities

This workshop was attended by different stakeholders, including various working groups:

  • Integrated Systems of treatment and water treatement plants;
  • ​Integrated management of resources;
  • Technologies advanced treatment-sludge;
  • Environmental technologies for improving degraded/contaminated soils and the decontamination of polluted sites;
  • Design and realization of eco-materials with controlled properties for solutions of improvement of the comfort of the urban exterior and interior;
  • Development of alternative energies and increasing energy efficiency in the urban environment;
  • Intelligent systems for monitoring, analysis and assessment of the atmosphere and air quality of the environment and the indoor climate;
  • Disaster management..

The participants in the workshop were representatives from Academia, clusters, national institutes and authorities as well as small and medium-sized enterprises. 

Participation in Meeting of the Danube Funding Coordination Network

During the 3rd Meeting of the „Danube Funding Coordination Network (DFCN)“, Mr. Thomas Ammerl from BayFOR had the possibility to present the MOVECO project. The DFCN-meeting took place on June 26 at the Slovak centre of scientific and technical information in Bratislava, Slovak Republic. It was coordinated with the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) Priority Area 7 (Knowledge Society). Main goals of the meeting have been the exchange on implemented DFCN actions and the cooperation with relevant initiatives. In this context, Thomas Ammerl provided an insight to the BayFOR approach, how to create synergies between different funding programs in separated macro regions and their respective projects.

DFCN Meeting in Bratislava - MOVECO Dissemination

For more information on MOVECO, please visit our website or follow us on social media.

Twitter: @MOVECO_Interreg

Facebook: @Moveco.Danube


(Photo credits: MOVECO project)

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)