RARE - What means waste to you - means employment to someone else


In the framework of RARE project two very similar project was visited by experts in Czech Republic and in Hungary.  

Green Workshop is originally sheltered workshop which was doing ecological recycling of electric waste and electronic devices in Bruntal, in Czech Republic. Recently the company is social enterprise complying with all characteristics of social entrepreneurship. Green Workshop company employs approximately 30 employees.

The Hungarian Maltese Charity Service “Host” Nonprofit Ltd. company provides the treatment and handling of electrical and electronic (hazardous) waste, within the scope of its employment and social programme, fulfilling important national and EU environmental goals as well.

In Tarnabod, in Hungary the waste handling plant was opened in 2006, as a protected workplace.  The main target group is the unemployed, mainly Roma people with low educational background living in the small village. When the plant opened it gave workplaces for 30 people. Today 15 people work for the plant. Since 2014 it has been operating on the open labour market.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)