ECO KARST - Upcoming event: Study visit tour in National Park Kalkalpen, 25th -27th September, Austria


An exciting Study visit tour in National Park Kalkalpen will take place from 25th until 27th September in Austria. Over 50 participants from 6 karst protected areas are invited to participate in exchanging experience and visiting best practice examples of local green bussiness at National Park Kalkalpen.

Preliminary Programme of the Study Tour to National Park Kalkalpen

Monday, 25 September: Pyhrn Priel region (Southern part of National park Kalkalpen)

Morning session

Presentation National Park Kalkalpen, Dr. Erich Mayrhofer

Presentation National Park Kalkalpen region, Dr. Christian Dörfel

Presentation From iron to natural region, DI Felix Fösleitner

Press Conference

Visit to the Information Centre of the National Park Panoramaturm Wurbauerkogel

Afternoon session

Walk along the theme track to the mountain pasture Laussabauernalm with lunch

Presentation ‘Grassland management in National Park Kalkalpen’ – discussion and experiences in partner countries (presentations)

Presentation ‘Partnerships of National Park Kalkalpen’, transnational park (biking region)


Approximate distance for vans: 40 km

Tuesday, 26 September: Steyrtal region (Western part of National Park Kalkalpen)

Morning session

Visits to PBB businesses: Höllhuber ciders, wood processing Aigne

Afternoon session

Visit of the hunting hut Jagahäusl (Snack)

National Park Tour Hirschlosn

Approximate distance for vans: 140 km

Wednesday, 27 September: Ennstal Region (Norden/Osten Nationalpark Kalkalpen)

Morning session

Visits to undertakings Weyer climbing hall, Gaflenz farm, etc.

Visit to ‘NP business’ GH Church Host, Lunch

Afternoon session

Visiting the visitor centre Enns valley, guidance through the exhibition

Lecture ‘Business in Enns valley’

Dinner in Villa Sonnwend

Approximate distance for vans: 150 km


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)