RARE - Village Firm in Slovak Republic


The City Hall of Spišský Hrhov has been run for 17 years by the same team, reelected by the villagers, thanks to great achievements for the benefit of the community. During this time, the most significant achievement was solving social problems, interethnic conflicts (in a population of about 1,500, Roma representing 25% of the population), employment situation, and schooling of Roma children. During the framework of RARE ("Changing Discourse, Changing Practices: Roma as Human Resource - RARE") Village Firm is among the best practices project. Experts and partners from Romania visited the city.

Starting from the core of the problem, namely solving the social problem through common activities and mutual knowledge, it was easier to solve other problems that are related to the needs of any community: infrastructure, housing, social services.
At this time, compared to the 17 years ago, the population almost doubled, increasing each year by about 100 new residents. Primary school is one of the best equipped in the region, with an inclusive curriculum that facilitates the integration of Roma children into primary education (55% of schoolchildren are of Roma origin). Over the last 8 years, primary school has applied and carried out projects worth 800,000 euros.
  The evolution of this small local community is an example of good practice that needs to be popularized because it can be successfully applied in any local community in any of the countries that are part of the Danube region.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)