Programme and project news and events

  • DriDanube - Danube Drought Strategy now ready
    - 06-04-2020
    Danube Drought Strategy now ready

    DriDanube project partners developed a Danube Drought Strategy which aims to build the capacity of the Danube region to overcome common deficiencies in coping with drought, and thus help switch from reactive to proactive drought management...

  • Danube S3 Cluster - EUSDR Newsletter - Joint efforts fighting COVID-19
    - 06-04-2020
    EUSDR Newsletter - Joint efforts fighting COVID-19

    EUSDR has prepared a newsletter on the most recent and relevant European financing and support initiatives which might be of interest to you in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.   Please check the document...

  • ConnectGREEN - ConnectGREEN 2.0: eco-corridors in times of online meetings
    - 03-04-2020
    ConnectGREEN 2.0: eco-corridors in times of online meetings

    March 31st, 2020. Virtual world Social distancing has become the responsible way to go in the current times due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Adaptation, therefore, is a must. That is why the Interreg DTP ConnectGREEN project held its first...

  • GRENDEL - 4th Consortium meetings
    - 02-04-2020
    4th Consortium meetings

    The 4th GRENDEL Consortium Meeting was organised together with the 4th Work Package & Activity Leaders Meeting and with the 4th Steering Committee Meeting on 31st March 2020 (virtually due to the current Corona crisis), gathering 19...

  • Danube Energy+ - Throwback Thursday: Clantech Bulgaria's first Motivational Workshop
    - 02-04-2020
    Throwback Thursday: Clantech Bulgaria's first Motivational Workshop

    The 1st motivational workshop organized by Cleantech Bulgaria was held on the 17th of February at Puzl Co-working space in Sofia, Bulgaria. The event was held under the name “Founders info day: Green entrepreneurship opportunities 2020”, in order...

  • WOMEN IN BUSINESS - EWC-Bulgaria & 1st Pilot Action - the mission is possible
    - 02-04-2020
    EWC-Bulgaria & 1st Pilot Action - the mission is possible

    We are at home but we are not wasting our time. This is how EWC - Bulgaria continues with the meetings with our young women entrepreneurs.       They had a chance to learn so far about business digitalisation, different sources for...

  • InnoSchool - Advisory Group in Hungary - 2nd meeting
    - 01-04-2020
    Advisory Group in Hungary - 2nd meeting

    In March 2020 the Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency organized the second Advisory Group meeting for Hungary. The content presented during the meeting lead to interesting and valuable discussions particularly regarding the Serious...

  • KnowING IPR - USPTO support the inventors and entrepreneurs under the Coronavirus Aid
    - 01-04-2020
    USPTO support the inventors and entrepreneurs under the Coronavirus Aid

    USPTO announces the extension of certain patent and trademark-related timing deadlines under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act. The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) today announced extensions to the...

  • Finance4SocialChange - Roadmap for development of social impact financial markets is out!
    - 01-04-2020
    Roadmap for development of social impact financial markets is out!

    Social economy is a key player in providing effective answers to current societal challenges in the EU and the world,  and it takes a team work to unlock its potentials. Now, more then ever, entrepreneurs with impact on society need support...

  • D2C - Work must go on
    - 31-03-2020
    Work must go on

      The COVID-19 epidemy stops meetings and off-line team work, however field work is still possible as well as online collaboration. The Slovak D2C project team recently worked on a vision of the pilot area from a point of view of connection...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)