Programme and project news and events

    - 30-03-2020

    Every year an estimated 1.25 million people die because of road traffic crashes, and millions more are injured. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development aims to reduce road traffic deaths and injuries by 50% by 2020. This goal will not be...

  • Danube Energy+ - InnoEnergy completed the German Pilot Tool!
    - 30-03-2020
    InnoEnergy completed the German Pilot Tool!

    The German Danube Energy+ Pilot was planned for the timeframe 17.-20.03.2020 and should have taken place nearby the InnoEnergy office - in the TechnologyPark Karlsruhe. Due to the given circumstances and the fact, that step by step the public...

  • DanubeChance2.0 - Eventful time
    - 27-03-2020
    Eventful time

    What did we do at the beginning of 2020 The partnership organized some trainings to the entrepreneurs The partners held some local meetings  to meet with our experts and stakeholders We organized the first Policy Learning Dialogue...

  • MOVECO - The circular economy: business threat or opportunity? (Part II)
    - 27-03-2020
    The circular economy: business threat or opportunity? (Part II)

    The authors of the working paper “The Elephant in the Boardroom: Why Unchecked Consumption Is Not an Option in Tomorrow´s Markets”[1] present 3 scenarios describing the impact of companies´ strategies to react to the challenges presented by...

  • RADAR - Croatia and Europe: Same traffic rules – different interpretation!?
    - 27-03-2020
    Croatia and Europe:  Same traffic rules – different interpretation!?

    RADAR project lead partner Marko Ševrović Ph.D., from the European Institute of Road Assessment in Ljubljana (EIRA – EuroRAP), and Croatian project partner from Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, Sanja Leš LL.M., Project Manager at...

  • EcoVeloTour - Qualitative social research from Greece supports EcoVeloTour findings
    - 26-03-2020
    Qualitative social research from Greece supports EcoVeloTour findings

    Recently published results from qualitative social research support the findings summarised in the EcoVeloTour Guidelines for Sustainable Bicycle Tourism. Researchers of the Technical University of Athens have used a combination of...

  • MEASURES - Sampling migratory fish at wintering habitats - Institute REVIVO
    - 26-03-2020
    Sampling migratory fish at wintering habitats - Institute REVIVO

    Winter is definitely not the favourite time for fishermen on the Mura River. Similar to hibernation in terrestrial animals, the fish stop feeding and they seek shelter in deep, slow flowing pools to conserve energy, so the fishermen’s catch is...

  • InnoSchool - Second InnoSchool Advisory Group Meeting in Belgrade, Serbia – Online Session
    - 25-03-2020
    Second InnoSchool Advisory Group Meeting in Belgrade, Serbia – Online Session

      Second InnoSchool Advisory Group Meeting in Belgrade, Serbia – Online Session   Regional Agency for Development and European Integration (RADEI) Belgrade hosted an online second Advisory Group (AG) meeting on March 23, 2020. The...

  • Danube S3 Cluster - First milestone of Danube S3 Cluster reached
    - 25-03-2020
    First milestone of Danube S3 Cluster reached

    At the beginning of March, Steinbeis 2i GmbH finished the Transnational Analysis of Danube Regional Context and Cluster Innovation Potential. This document takes stock of different activities carried out in the first half of the project and...

  • MOVECO - The circular economy: business threat or opportunity? (Part I)
    - 25-03-2020
    The circular economy: business threat or opportunity? (Part I)

    In recent years, we have witnessed a rising number of initiatives promoting a circular economy. Several of them have gathered stakeholders representing the public sector, academia, companies, and NGOs, declaring voluntary commitments to take...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)