Programme and project news and events

  • Finance4SocialChange - Innovative financial instruments available for social enteprises
    - 20-01-2020
    Innovative  financial instruments available for social enteprises

    Although grants, donations are still the first financial choice and resource for social enterprises as a financing instrument, there is a diversity of innovative financial instruments at disposal for social impact investing in the Danube...

  • MEASURES - Winter diving in Mura River
    - 17-01-2020
    Winter diving in Mura River

    No matter the subject or field of science, all biological and other field surveys done in a river have one common purpose, to understand this intriguing ecosystem, but each from a different perspective. At Institute REVIVO, we are most...

  • D2C - Working meeting about Pilot region 1
    - 15-01-2020
    Working meeting about Pilot region 1

    Within 4th period in Dare2Connect the Environmental Agency Austria hosted a two days workshop in December 2019 in Vienna for the conceptualization of a Regional Guiding Principle (RGP) for Pilot Region 1 (P1) – Bavarian Forest – Mühlviertel –...

  • Danube S3 Cluster - SAVE THE DATE – 21-22 January 2020, Sarvar, Hungary – The 1st First Policy Dialogue Workshop & Transnational workshop
    - 14-01-2020
    SAVE THE DATE – 21-22 January 2020, Sarvar, Hungary – The 1st First Policy Dialogue Workshop & Transnational workshop

    In 2020, Danube S3 Cluster project partners will start the year with two new activities, namely the elaboration of the Local Action Plans (LAPs) and the 1st Policy Dialogue Workshop.  The event will be hosterd by our Hungarian project...

  • InnoSchool - 2020 is here. What’s new with InnoSchool?
    - 13-01-2020
    2020 is here. What’s new with InnoSchool?

    Dear readers, InnoSchool team is pleased to share with you the 3rd Newsletter entitled 2020 is here _What’s new with InnoSchool? You will find out the latest achievements on the advanced concept of InnoSchool learning system and Serious...

  • Sava TIES - Stop the spreading of the Heracleum mantegazzianum!
    - 10-01-2020
    Stop the spreading of the Heracleum mantegazzianum!

    Giant hogweed (H.  mantegazzianum) is one of the most aggressive invasive plant species in Europe and North America. It has spread rapidly in many European countries after introduction as an ornamental plant from its native area in Caucasus. The...

  • Danube Energy+ - The First International Day is approaching!
    - 09-01-2020
    The First International Day is approaching!

    We are pleased to invite you to the First edition of the International Danube Energy+ Day, which will be held on the 28th of January 2020 in Karlsruhe, Germany. For the first time ever, we will gather key stakeholders from across the Danube...

  • Amazon of Europe Bike Trail - Meet the Project Partners - Balaton-felvidéki National Park Directorate (HU)
    - 06-01-2020
    Meet the Project Partners - Balaton-felvidéki National Park Directorate (HU)

    The Balaton Uplands National Park runs along the northern shore of Lake Blaton in a 1-15 km wide band, from Balatonszőlős to the Kis-Balaton. The area of the national park (almost 57 000 hectares) includes six former Landscape Protection...

  • 3Smart - Public presentation event in Austria
    - 02-01-2020
    Public presentation event in Austria

    The 3Smart project team has held a public presentation of the Austrian pilot to the interested stakeholders from Austria on 20th of December 2019 in Strem. The developed 3Smart tool was presented, and then its application to the electricity...

  • InnoSchool - Happy New Year! from InnoSchool initiative!
    - 31-12-2019
    Happy New Year! from InnoSchool initiative!

    Dear friends and collaborators,    Another wonderful year is going to end. InnoSchool team wishes you to embrace 2020 with full of hope, dream and ambition. Happy New Year!!!  

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)