Programme and project news and events

  • SIMONA - Working Groups 6 and 7 and Steering Committee Meeting - 6-11-2019
    - 06-11-2019
    Working Groups 6 and 7 and Steering Committee Meeting - 6-11-2019

    A SIMONA Working Groups 6 and 7 and Steering Committee Meeting was held in Sofia (Bulgaria) on 21. -22.10.2019. The meeting was initiated by the Project Management of DTP2-093-2.1 SIMONA project and organized by the GI-BAS SIMONA team. The event...

  • REDISCOVER - Product Development Workshop - Osijek partner meeting
    - 05-11-2019
    Product Development Workshop - Osijek partner meeting

    The following partner meeting was held in Osijek. Rediscover partnership made progress implementing the activities. And beside all of our thematic work the project's first year review was also delivered by the JS. Our controller was satisfied...

  • Danube S3 Cluster - BARCAMP Boblingen 2019 - Danube Competitiveness in practice event
    - 05-11-2019
    BARCAMP Boblingen 2019 - Danube Competitiveness in practice event

    Between October 18 and 20, 2019, at Herman Hollerith Zentrum, Böblingen, Germany, barcamp Böblingen was held, a concept presentation of project ideas in the field of pitch digitization. The organizers of the barcamp Böblingen and the...

  • Danube S3 Cluster - The Danube S3 Cluster project, presented at the EUSDR National Forum 2019
    - 05-11-2019
    The Danube S3 Cluster project, presented at the EUSDR National Forum 2019

    On October 28, 2019, the Communication Manager of the Danube S3 Cluster project, presented the project, within the EUSDR National Forum 2019, the closing event of the rotating Presidency of the European Union Strategy for the Danube...

  • KnowING IPR - Save the date - 5th International Cooperation Forum
    - 04-11-2019
    Save the date - 5th International Cooperation Forum

    We are pleased to announce that on November 8th, 2019. within 5th International Cooperation Forum organized by Development Agency of Serbia, SME Development Agency of the Republic of Srpska and Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in hotel...

  • KnowING IPR - III International research and practice conference
    - 04-11-2019
    III International research and practice conference

    On the 5ht to 6h October the III International research and practice conference “Topical issues of intellectual property" took place in Ukraine and the European Union”. We did not miss the opportunity to present the aim and results of the...

  • Exclusive interview with the winner of Regiostar Public Choice Award - CityWalk!
    - 04-11-2019
    Exclusive interview with the winner of Regiostar Public Choice Award - CityWalk!

    The day after the Citywalk project was awarded the Regiostar Public Choice prize, we called Danilo, the project coordinator early in the morning to congratulate his team and ask for an interview. When he picked up the phone, we could hear the...

  • ConnectGREEN - “Ecological connectivity” becomes a regular topic on national TV due to Serbian ConnectGREEN team
    - 01-11-2019
    “Ecological connectivity” becomes a regular topic on national TV due to Serbian ConnectGREEN team

    November 1st, 2019. Belgrade, Serbia. The TV set of Serbian National Television (RTS 2) host a team of representatives of the ConnectGREEN project who are today’s guests of the “Edu Global” show. Mrs. Marina Nenkovic-Riznic from IAUS (Institute...

  • Danube S3 Cluster - Agriculture 5.0: a new vision for agriculture in Baden-Württemberg
    - 01-11-2019
    Agriculture 5.0: a new vision for agriculture in Baden-Württemberg

    Realizing that although species extinction and climate change are constantly under discussion, only few concrete solutions are eventually being implemented, the think tank Agriculture 5.0 (Denkfabrik „Landwirtschaft 5.02) developed a new system...

  • INDEED - May 07-09, 2019│Romania │The Romanian Team wins the prize for the best poster with INDEED Project
    - 01-11-2019
    May 07-09, 2019│Romania │The Romanian Team wins the prize for the best poster with INDEED Project

    At the National Congress of Psychiatry in Romania, held in May in Sibiu, the Romanian team led by Lecturer PhD Arch. Mihaela Zamfir, Communication Manager INDEED Project wins the prize for the best poster of 21 papers presented. You can read the...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)