Programme and project news and events

  • WOMEN IN BUSINESS - Capitalisation event “Fostering Women Entrepreneurship in the Danube Region”
    - 16-10-2019
    Capitalisation event  “Fostering Women Entrepreneurship in  the Danube Region”

    The Capitalisation event was held on 3rd of October 2019 in Varazdin, Croatia and combines capitalization event of DTP WOMEN IN BUSINESS project as well as the Priority Area 8 of the EU Strategy for Danube Region (organized by PAC8 Working Group...

  • RADAR - RADAR project presented at WOS 2019 conference on "The Future of Safety in a Digitalised World"
    - 16-10-2019
    RADAR project presented at WOS 2019 conference on "The Future of Safety in a Digitalised World"

    RADAR project was presented by project partner KFV, Austrian Road Safety Board, on September 24, 2019 at the 10th International Conference on the Prevention of Accidents at Work, held in Vienna, Austria. copyright: ©Bettina...

  • Danube Energy+ - Cleantech Bulgaria held the Third Regional Alliance Meeting
    - 15-10-2019
    Cleantech Bulgaria held the Third Regional Alliance Meeting

    On the 14th of October 2019, Cleantech Bulgaria invited the members of the Regional Alliance in order to discuss the Danube Energy+ Ecosytem Package! During the Third Regional Alliance meeting, Cleantech Bulgaria presented the Ecosystem Package....

  • ConnectGREEN - Field Monitoring of Ecological Corridors is Under Preparation
    - 15-10-2019
    Field Monitoring of Ecological Corridors is Under Preparation

    October 2019. South-Western Carpathians, Romania.  Preparation for data collection from ecological corridors in Romania is in full operation, as WWF Romania’s field experts are actively testing monitoring tools in the field. We have already...

  • Amazon of Europe Bike Trail - Invitation to Biking festival - Balaton-felvidéki National Park Directorate
    - 15-10-2019
    Invitation to Biking festival - Balaton-felvidéki National Park Directorate

    The second Amazon of Europe Biking festival cycling event happening this Saturday, 19th October 2019 is organized by the Balaton felvidéki National Park Directorate!  Agenda:  We meet at 9 o’clock in the morning on front of Bonne Chance...

  • KnowING IPR - event Patent and IPR management update
    - 15-10-2019
    event Patent and IPR management update

    Patenting and IPR management 6thNovember 2019 Nova Gorica, Slovenia   Venue School of Advanced Social Studies Address:  Gregorčičeva 18, SI 5000 Nova Gorica Hall: Velika predavalnica, Ground...

  • GRENDEL - Joint Statement Meeting at the Danube Commission, Budapest
    - 14-10-2019
    Joint Statement Meeting at the Danube Commission, Budapest

    The General Secretary of Pro Danube International, Mr. Róbert Rafael, was invited to participate at the 10th Workshop on the follow-up of the Joint Statement on Guiding Principles on the Development of Inland Navigation and Environmental...

  • DanubeSediment - Invitation to the Final Conference: "Transnational Cooperation for Sediment Management in the Danube" Conference, 19.11.12019, Budapest
    - 14-10-2019
    Invitation to the Final Conference: "Transnational Cooperation for Sediment Management in the Danube" Conference, 19.11.12019, Budapest

    We invite all interested stakeholders to the "Transnational Cooperation for Sediment Management in the Danube" conference on 19 November 2019 at the BME University in Budapest! After almost 3 years of data collection and analysis, we look forward...

  • GRENDEL - NAIADES sub-group on Good Navigation Status in Brussels
    - 14-10-2019
    NAIADES sub-group on Good Navigation Status in Brussels

    Pro Danube International was invited to participate at the discussions held on the current status of the Draft Recommendations for the Development of Common, Harmonized Guidelines/Standards for Good Navigation Status. In order to efficiently...

  • GRENDEL - NAIADES III Brainstorming Meeting in Brussels
    - 14-10-2019
    NAIADES III Brainstorming Meeting in Brussels

    The European Parliament adopted earlier this year a Motion for a Resolution to urge the European Commission to update and renew the NAIADES action programme by 2020 in order to ensure that the potential of inland waterway transport (IWT) as...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)