Programme and project news and events

  • KnowING IPR - 1st KnowING IPR Strategic Workshop
    - 07-10-2019
    1st KnowING IPR Strategic Workshop

    The 1st KnowING IPR Strategic workshop was held on 23rd of September 2019 in Slanchev Bryag, Bulgaria. The activities of the 1st KnowING IPR Strategic workshop addressed the main question on how can the KnowING IPR Hub continuously help...

  • eGUTS - Big success in Zadar at the Closing Conference
    - 04-10-2019
    Big success in Zadar at the Closing Conference

    "eGUTS project to develop Local Action Plan and electromobility in Zadar" - eGUTS in...

  • InnoSchool - Present at Creative Industry-Career Development Potential-Meet up“ n Prijedor HUB
    - 04-10-2019
    Present at Creative Industry-Career Development Potential-Meet up“ n Prijedor HUB

    Representatives of Agency PREDA participated in the promotional event  „Creative Industry-Career Development Potential-Meet up“ organized within the project „Connecting social and creative innovators in the Mediterrian-TALIA“ financed through...

    - 03-10-2019

    On September 25, 2019, in Prague, Czech Republic, the RADAR project implemented the second Road Safety Expert Group (RSEG) meeting on Thematic Area 2 – provision for vulnerable road users (pedestrians and cyclists). The event was attended by...

  • KnowING IPR - The 3rd Action plan workshop in Slovakia
    - 03-10-2019
    The 3rd Action plan workshop in Slovakia

    On the 20th of September, the 3rd Action plan workshop was organised in Bara, Slovakia by project partner Technical University of Kosice (TUKE). The attending partners were discussing issues of IPR management with several Slovak experts,...

  • D2C - Field meeting of project partners in Pilot region 1
    - 03-10-2019
    Field meeting of project partners in Pilot region 1

    D2C Project Partners from Pilot Region 1 met with local experts at the Czech-german border at September 24, 2019. Together with experts from the Nationalparks Sumava and Bayerischer Wald, the University of Southern Bohemia České Budějovice,...

  • SIMONA - We are taking active part at the Geology Congress of Bosnia and Herzegovina
    - 03-10-2019
    We are taking active part at the Geology Congress of Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Our Lead Partner (Geological Survey of Slovenia) is taking part at the 2nd Geology Congress of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The event is taking place between 2nd and 4th of October in beautiful town Laktaši. Our project leader, dr. Jasminka Alijagić,...

  • 3Smart - Public presentation events in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Hungary
    - 03-10-2019
    Public presentation events in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Hungary

      The 3Smart project team has held a public presentation of the Croatian, Hungarian and pilot from Bosnia and Herzegovina to the relevant interested...

  • RADAR - 3-day Road Safety Training courses continue in Austria
    - 02-10-2019
    3-day Road Safety Training courses continue in Austria

    RADAR project Partner KFV (Austrian Road Safety Board) launched a 3-day Road Infrastructure Safety Training course on September 16-18, 2019, in Vienna, Austria. As explained by the project partner representative, Klaus Machata, “we had a...

  • Amazon of Europe Bike Trail - Invitation to Biking Festival - City of Sombor (Serbia)
    - 02-10-2019
    Invitation to Biking Festival - City of Sombor (Serbia)

    We kindly invite you to join us on our cycling event, organized as part of International Amazon of Europe Biking Festival, which will take place in Sombor this Saturday, 5th October 2019, from 9:45 to 15:30.  Join us on an adventure along the...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)